A day in the life of...

Since it was so boring at work, I took pictures! :)

Here is my "offfice" (It's really just a corner...I have 4 walls, but no door). I'm organizing office supplies. I have to have all sorts of junk ready in case they need anything when they are doing case work and closings and whatnot.
This is the view from our "Ocean" conference room
This is a country club behind our building, the view from the "Big Canyon" conference room
This is one of the McMansions in the country club...I can spy on people if I want. Too bad they look like ants.
This is the afore mentioned "Ocean" conference room...it has a great view of which photos can not do it justice.
Everyone says we have the best views in Orange County from our offices. On a good clear day (of which there have only been 1 so far that I've worked here) you can see Catalina, the mountains, and even the high rises in LA. It's awesome.

My drive to and fro is very nice as well. I take Pacific Coast Highway from Dana Point to Newport Beach. This is the view between Newport and Laguna.

This is my absolute favorite spot - it's right at the beginning of Laguna Beach and I get so happy every time I see it.

Isn't it gorgeous?

There are a ton of other cool things that I wanted to share, but I'll have to save them for later posts...this one is getting out of control! :)

So, not too shabby I must say. I'm enjoying it while I can, because I doubt that we will be able to afford to raise a family here.

So, ummm...yeah. There ya go. :)

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1 validations:

  1. Malinovka February 26, 2008 at 8:18 AM

    WOW--it's GORGEOUS!!! I bet you love your new job!! I'm glad you have something new that seems to be treating you well. Only wish I were there too!! :)
