Hoppy Easter!

Easter took me a little by surprise this year...it came so early! But it was a wonderful day. Our ward choir performed and it was so beautiful, despite the fact that I'm also in the choir. :) Our choir used to be a little thing, but now so many people have joined...we had a good 24 I think...and the arrangement we sang was awesome. Angel our choir director is the best. I like holidays at church because we sing a lot more. My favorite way to worship the Savior is to sing...I love the feelings of warmth and the whisperings of the Spirit telling me that what we are singing is true. There was also a trio that sang "As I Have Loved You," an arrangement that I have never heard before, and it was so beautiful. Great job Jenna, Justin and Aubrey!

Christina, Angel and Rayna were so gracious to invite me over for Easter dinner since my family is far away. They made such a wonderful meal and even homemade strawberry shortcake for dessert! It was fun hanging out with them and their other guests, Justin, Brad, Matt and Seth. They all kept me laughing all night! Great bunch.
I am really excited because I just joined a book club and the first book we are reading is jane Austen's Persuasion. I bought it awhile back but for some reason never read it, so I'm kinda glad I didn't. I've never been in a book club, so this is cool for me. Do I need to take notes as I read? I don't know what to do! :) But it will be fun. I should read The Jane Austen Book Club again too in preperation. :)

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2 validations:

  1. Sjauna March 25, 2008 at 7:15 AM

    Mmm, I love book clubs. Some of my favorite books have come from them - books I never would have picked up. Plus, it taught me way more about reading into the story and the author than any English class I ever had, but then maybe that was just Mrs. Atkins...

  2. Hizzeather March 25, 2008 at 10:33 AM

    Big Booty Atkins! I was going to put her as my favorite teacher on the reunion survey, but I chickened out...I wonder what's up with her...???