Fave Cell Phone Pix from Hawaii

As usual, Cody and I take pictures everywhere we go with our cell phones. Who has the better camera? You decide...

From my BlackBerry...

Sleeping in the airport...we had 12 hours of delays!
Our flight from Maui to Oahu had tons of leg room! Cody was ecstatic!
Matsumotos, our fave!
Sign at Kmart - LDS Swimwear? It was not a brand name...it was all modest stuff! I love it!
Sippin' a coconut...not as tasty as it sounds :)
This guy in Samoa at the PCC was HILARIOUS!!!! His name was Kap Tafiti, and he's one of their best fire dancers and also a local artist...great guy! I found this video of him HERE.
This guy climbed that tree in like 3 seconds
I left Cody for 5 minutes, and when I came back, I couldn't find him. I saw some kids on stage in the corner of my eye, and when I looked closer, I found my husband...one very big kid. :)
Aloha from the PCC!
Getting the roasted pig for the luau

From Cody's iPhone...
View from our balcony at the Schorr house
You can buy surfboards at Target! :)
McDonald's local breakfast - rice, spam, Portuguese sausage and eggs...delish!
Beautiful point on the side of the road
Drinking a smoothie out of a pineapple at the PCC luau
Dancing on stage at the luau...taken by the sweet emcee
"Horizons" night show - Incredible!!!!
L&L...my favorite! Mmmmmmmmm!

So...whose phone takes the better pictures? ;)

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6 validations:

  1. Malinovka July 9, 2009 at 5:54 PM

    What a great trip!! I'm so jealous. I don't know if Eric and I will ever make it there. But, we're planning a trip to France for our 10th anniversary, so I guess I'll just have to take the beaches at Nice and Antibes. :)

  2. Sjauna July 9, 2009 at 8:17 PM


    and I didn't even know this until we went to the pcc when my mom was in town, but the guy who sang the song on the "boat" at the beginning and end of the night show is in our ward! I had no idea he worked there!

  3. Jessi July 9, 2009 at 9:18 PM

    I don't know, Heather. I love you, but Cody's camera wins. I could almost reach out and grab that Spam!!

    And tell Sjauna that if she actually WENT to church, she'd know that guy a little better. C'mon, Sjauna! I even knew that! (Just kidding. You're totally righteous!)

  4. Cal July 9, 2009 at 11:42 PM

    I say Cody's too. Even before I read the other comments so there! That's good stuff. Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition...

  5. Christa Jeanne July 10, 2009 at 9:22 AM

    Hate to break it to ya', but I agree - Cody's takes better pics. So glad you had so much fun!!! And mmmm, Spam musubi...

  6. onwey July 11, 2009 at 7:23 AM

    You guys do take a lot of photos! Love them. Love you!