Chore Chart

Anyone who's baby-sat children regularly know they hate being told what to do...after all, you're not their mom! So I try and do positive reinforcement instead of having to be bossy and create a negative environment. I made this chart last year so that if they did their chores and kept up their schedule, they got a sticker and then could cash in those for treats, trinkets, or special trips for ice cream and stuff. I thought I would share it because it worked out really well!

The first chart I made earlier this year. It was all right for my first attempt, but I wanted to change some things and update the picturesFirst, take pictures and arrange in a word document, print and laminate
Then, punch out each face using my trusty circle punchAttach velcro to each circle and a corresponding velcro piece next to each task
Here's the finished result! I like it so much...thank you photoshop for helping me create beautiful things!!!
After our chores are done, play chess! {Aren't they cute?}

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5 validations:

  1. Cody September 29, 2009 at 10:40 PM

    my wife is so crafty

  2. Sjauna September 30, 2009 at 10:17 AM

    I LOVE these! and I love Cody's comment, haha.

  3. onwey September 30, 2009 at 1:37 PM

    Yes Heather, you are a crafty gal! They are clever and cute!

  4. Unknown September 30, 2009 at 2:12 PM

    Awesome. Thansk for sharing! I'll star this one in reader for sure. I sure missed your blogging...

  5. Naomi and Family October 1, 2009 at 10:17 AM

    Hey, wanna make some for my house? Those are beautiful!