A few days ago Cody and I had the opportunity to baby-sit for our friends Jeff & Jennie while they went on a get-away for Jennie's birthday. It was a fun experience going from zero kids to five! Luckily Cody & I make a great team when it comes to kids - I make sure we are organized and plan everything from activities to meals, and he keeps it fun and plays with them. We had a jam-packed time - school, soccer games, movies, church, playing games...we had so much fun!
Their school had a movie night. Cody was at work, but I took the kids to watch "Monsters vs. Aliens" with the rest of their friends at the school. It was fun eating popcorn and candy and the movie is really funny!
Adam & Herschel eating red vines
Shelby & Brooklyn with their airheads and laffy taffy
At the soccer fields - Adam is so photogenic!
Brooklyn's team during a huddle - I could only take the one picture because I was asked to ref (just man the sidelines). It was a good game, but they lost 4 - 3.
Cody took lots of pictures of Herschel's game, which was at the same time. They won 2 - 1! they beat the undefeated team!
We met up with my dad & Jill and my nephews to see Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3-D! It was really cool!
Awww Adam!
The boys loved running around in the theater between movies! It tired them out. so we were all for it! They sat great during both movies, but especially the second.
Tai Tai conquering the stairs
The three boys - Adam, Tai & Ethan
Shelby always adds energy & fun to everything!
Cody & I with our cool 3-D glasses! (That's a light behind Cody, not a crown! :)
The group after the movie in their cool glasses. They worked outside the theater too! Everything was in 3-D! heh heh heh :)
We had such a good time...I wish we had gotten more pics, but I hope Jeff & Jennie are happy to see all the fun we had while they had their retreat. Cody and I have decided that we can definitely have 5 kids...we just hope they come one at a time with some years in-between! :)
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