I Heart Pumpkin!

I just LOVE anything with pumpkin flavor...cheesecake, ice cream, muffins, bread, cookies, etc... This is my favorite time of year because there are pumpkin flavored goodies EVERYWHERE! There is a grocery store in Utah, Macey's, that makes my favorite pumpkin chocolate cookies...I have to stop there anytime I'm close and get some. I know I could just bake some, but I hate baking! So when I saw this recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies with just THREE ingredients, I knew this was the recipe for me!

Spice Cake mix, pumpkin, and chocolate chips! That's it!
At first I did not think that just the pumpkin was wet enough for the mix, but yes, it is...just keep going! :)
Ready to bake
The last batch (It made 2 dozen large-ish cookies)

They are really yummy and sooooo easy! The only thing is that mine looked weird, like they weren't baked, on the outside. My dad even asked me if they were no bakes or something. The inside was perfectly baked though, not doughy at all. They are super soft and cake-like, and they are not as good as my Macey's cookies, but they are still delicious! I saw in the comments of where the recipe was posted that if you just add an egg you can make them muffins...I'll try that next. Yay for me kinda-sorta baking and yay for pumpkin!

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14 validations:

  1. Sjauna October 16, 2009 at 5:45 AM

    I forgot about your addiction to Macey's cookies! I'm glad to hear it's still going strong.

  2. Jennifer October 16, 2009 at 7:26 AM

    hmmm... Pumpkin cookies you say? I might just have to stop by the Macey's that is two blocks from my apartment and grab some :)

  3. Kristina P. October 16, 2009 at 8:24 AM

    I love to bake during fall. And I love all things pumpkin!

  4. Cal October 16, 2009 at 8:45 AM

    Have you seen this recipe?



  5. Stephanie M. October 16, 2009 at 8:53 AM

    I've had to make these before for a RS Activity about food storage. And yes, that is how they turn out (weird on the outside). So you did great!

  6. Hizzeather October 16, 2009 at 1:01 PM

    Ok, I'm glad I didn't somehow mess them up Steph...I mean, there are only 3 ingredients!

    Jenn - you run...not walk...to Macey's RIGHT NOW! They are my fave! :)

    Callie...do you have something against me? Becaus ethat recipe could very well be the DEATH of me! All that butter and sugar? I may try it out, as long as I'm not alone so I don't eat the whole pan!

  7. Malinovka October 16, 2009 at 7:07 PM

    I heard about this recipe and tried it too, but I was too weirded out by the texture, and yes, how it seemed that the dough wasn't moist enough. Maybe I'll have to try again... But I have a recipe I love for pumpkin cookies. They are seriously THE BEST!

  8. onwey October 17, 2009 at 12:04 AM

    Me too. Yummy pumpkin!

  9. Unknown October 17, 2009 at 5:51 AM

    Mmmmm!! Heather would you mind if I listed this recipe and your pictures on Homemaking Honeys?

  10. Cody October 18, 2009 at 12:50 AM

    I was not there when they were fresh. However I had 3 later because they were so good!

  11. Mallory October 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    Sooo you don't know me, but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing that recipe!! They did turn out a little too moist, but they are PERFECT after sitting out over night. And ridiculously easy and cheap. I'll never be making pumpkin cookies from scratch again. So thanks!

  12. Cal October 19, 2009 at 8:22 AM

    Hey! Don't blame me, blame Paula Deen! That's who I blame.

  13. Cal October 19, 2009 at 8:24 AM

    Maybe I'll make these for Jem Days this year :) Or maybe YOU'LL make these for Jem Days.

  14. Hizzeather November 28, 2009 at 2:49 PM

    Ummmm, it only took me over a MONTH to respond, but yes Alisha, use it on your blog and "Hi" Mallory! Thanks for your suggestion! It really helped. Cody loves making these cookies!