Lovely Surprises

Gifts are always nice to receive, but we usually expect them. Although I am always grateful for my gifts at Christmas and my birthday, I know they're coming, and I guess I take it for granted. The best gifts are the ones that are complete surprises, for almost no reason at all. Today was a banner day...I got TWO surprise gifts!!!!
Today started off really sucky...I was so tired in the morning from my medication and had to go in late to work. Right as I'm headed into the parking structure this dork makes an error and so I have to back up to let him back up, and as I'm going back a lady pulls in and we bump fenders. No damage really, but not fun and nerve wracking. It was a busy day at work, and I was just feeling kind of down. I was chatting with my friend Joan and she was telling me about a benefit dinner she went to and how she got a nice gift bag with a cute green blanket. I was admiring it when she handed it to me...she knows I like the color green, so she got the gift bag for me! She did not know that I am slightly obsessed with bags, so it was doubly delightful! So sweet! Thank you Joan! A little bit later a co-worker, Lee Ann, gave me a small, wrapped package. She just got back from Russia (she's adopting a baby boy) and she got me a little gift to thank me for helping her with her pronunciation before she left. I was so touched...she got me a beautiful ring with browns and blues...I love it!
The day ended with me going desk to desk selling donated cookies to all my co-workers on behalf of the Charity Committee and we made almost $200! So, my crappy day turned into quite a lovely one due to the thoughtfulness of a few friends and a little service. It made such a difference, and it reminds me to be more thoughtful to others so that I can make a difference for them too.
Update on my funny bed...I bought some chocolate brown curtains to use as a bed skirt and I bought a little pink princess stool to help me get up there. I normally would not buy a princess stool, but it was only $5, and I think it's kind of kitschy-cool. :)

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1 validations:

  1. Russ and Debbie July 20, 2008 at 9:10 PM

    Love the princess stool... so cute!