Potato Derby

Ok, who has heard of a potato derby? Yeah, I hadn't either. It was actually really fun. I didn't win, but I still had a great time. :)

I decided to go with a theme - "The Office." I wore my Schrute Farms Beets shirt and brought my Dwight paraphernalia. I even hand drew a beet and water colored it (psycho!). I was actually quite impressed with how mine turned out, and it was fast too. Just not fast enough.

Good times.

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2 validations:

  1. Give me ketchup February 5, 2008 at 9:08 PM

    I will take my ketchup for the next derby.

  2. Hizzeather February 5, 2008 at 11:47 PM

    ha ha ketchup would lose! You can't put wheels on ketchup! :)