This video cracked me up!

Ok, I'm not going to pretend I'm some genius in politics or anything, and I certainly don't assume that I know what's best for the country. But when I vote, I go with who I like best, based on their personal choices in life and the decisions they have made politically.

I truly believe that we have enough checks and balances in place that the president doesn't have absolute power. He is more of a representative of the American people. So I want someone I like.
Yes, the fact that he and I share the same faith has a little to do with it, but there are A LOT of Mormons out there that I can't stand and some that are ok, but who I would never vote for (for example, Harry Reid - no offense).

That being said, this is one of the number of reasons I am rooting for Romney.

It's about time that we had a normal human being represent America.

I am now stepping down off the soapbox and will do my very best not to get back on. :)

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