Best. Valentine. Ever.

So...I'm a little late posting this, as Valentine's Day was 2 weeks ago, but I had to share the card Julie gave me. She is so creative!

This is the best card I have ever received (sorry Cody!). A few weeks ago Christa, Christina, Julie and I went to this art thing in Laguna Beach. We had a fun time walking all around Laguna looking at art, and there was a big party later that night. At the party there was a band playing, but they never announced their name. So we spent a good hour making up band names by observing our surroundings and spouting random things, like "Members Only Jacket" and other hilarious-at-the-time things, much how I'm sure the real process is when band member's choose their name. :)

Everyone in South County knows that people in Laguna Beach are...well...different. The best was when this OLD lady in a fur coat and hat whipped off her coat and started dancing in front of the band...alone. For a long time. Alone! She was bonkers, and she had these humongous, wide eyes that were really creepy, and she had some... *ahem*... 'interesting' dance moves. About this time we found out the band was called "Jason Feddy," which we felt was inappropriate as that was just the lead singer's name and there were 3 other talented people assisting him. So we kept making up names, including the hilarious "Jason Feddy's Mom" referring to the kooky lady who we imagined might be related to Jason. It was a fun night. You had to be there. :)

So imagine my delight when a few days later I got this special, handcrafted card... was Jason, not John, but that's not important. What is important is that there is a pulley so that I could make this kooky lady move around. Unfortunately Julie could not recreate the absolute horror and chagrin that the real lady's dancing evoked, but it is a pretty good likeness.
I'm keeping this card FOREVER! :)

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