Awesome Engagement Announcement

No, I'm not announcing my engagement...if you know me at all you already know that I've been engaged since Nov 2006. But my friend Deanna just recently got engaged and sent out this HILARIOUS email. Deanna and I served in Ukraine together 5 years ago and shared some of the same traumatic experiences and therefore are bonded for life. :) I post her email here so that all may enjoy her humour and wit...

Here's a cute pic of Deanna with her scaly friend.

Once upon a time, there was a girl whose heart was set on becoming an old spinster. Not the kind of spinster that smells and has twenty cats, but rather a spinster who travels to exotic places, studies charismatic marine mega fauna, engages in lofty thinking, and wears very funky, cool clothes. This girl was me. Those were my dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are often shattered by cruel, harsh reality, as mine were just two days ago. Here are the tragic events as they transpired:

1) I meet a guy named Ryan at church. I invite him, along with mutual friends, to the party that my stalker roommate is throwing. My stalker roommate is celebrating the complete assimilation of my identity--his baptism into my church (a fascinating story by the way, but not one I will relate here.)
2) Ryan, after meeting me, waits a conservative three weeks to call me and ask me to a play. The play however is not for another three weeks. This is deemed way too long.
3) Ryan schemes to see me before the play by inviting me through a friend for a casual dinner. As planned, I am impressed by his domestic skills and swoon over his homemade key lime pie.
4) We attend the play.
5) I start dating him.....I think. (You will notice the uncertainty here. This is because I seem to be mentally two steps behind during our whole courtship. "What, we are dating? What, we are couple?" You know, that sort of thing.)
6) During Thanksgiving, I introduced Ryan to members of my family. He is deemed "not creepy," "very clean," and "very nice." This is a very good sign. I also forgive him for steeling away the affection of my niece and nephew--the little turncoats.
7) After dating him for two months, I finally allow myself to be seen with him at a church function despite the frenzied speculation that I know will follow.
8) Time passes in which we have a lot of fun.
9) Because I don't want Ryan to think that I am taking this relationship more seriously than he is (guys being afraid of commitment and all)......I studiously evade all his attempts to bring up the topic of marriage. (However, in my defense, he didn't seriously try and was easily deflected.)
10) On March 8, 2008 Ryan surprises me completely by asking for my hand in marriage.
11) I say yes.

I guess there is a time in every girls life that she must put away her girlish, romatic dreams and embrace reality. I suppose this is mine.

Mournfully yours,

IRONY: a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

"It wasn't accomplished, it was ironic."

Congratulations Deanna! I am so happy for you and this awful misfortune that you have come upon! :) I love you!!!!

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