Heather the Leper

Okay, so those nearest and dearest know that I have been battling hives for about 4 weeks now. I have never had hives before in my life, and I have no idea what has brought them on. Obviously I am allergic to something, and it has been quite the investigation. Those who have had hives know that it is impossible to determine clinically what causes them in each individual person...you have to be a detective and see what triggers them in you. Possible causes are stress, allergies, and hyperthyroidism, allergies being the most common. I don't think it's eggs, berries, nuts or shellfish, although I haven't ruled those out. For a while I thought it must be my roommate's cat, but that theory was thrown out when I went to my mom's cat-free house in Palmdale and my hives got worse. The hives were really bad in Palmdale, so I am thinking that now it must be some allergen in the air that is more prevalent there.

But today I had a major break in the case...My hives were practically all gone this morning. I am here at work and things were just fine and dandy. Then I go into the restroom and I look at myself...Oh the horror! I have an outbreak all over my face and neck! I am bewildered as to what triggered it. I analyze what I ate today - shrimp tacos and chips and salsa. Okay, it could be the shrimp or the acidity of the tomatoes, although my lips are fine and they usually swell when it's an allergy to those things. I am bewildered and as I am rubbing Benadryl gel all over my neck and face, it hits me...One of our Irish attorneys was so kind as to give every one here a green carnation boutonniere. I dutifully pinned it to my sweater and wore it so as not to get pinched. But I think the result is far worse then a little pinch...

WARNING! Images are disturbing! (To me at least...*sniff*)
You can't see them very well in the first pic, so I included a close-up...lucky you! Those hives are on one whole cheek and my left eye!

The CULPRIT!!!!!

So, am I allergic to flowers? Only time and a lot of expensive doctor's visits will tell.

Pray for me! :)

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1 validations:

  1. Karly March 17, 2008 at 7:32 PM

    The search continues. Flowers, or carnations? I hope this is the reason...for the sake of finally finding an answer!