I Thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet

I am so thankful that I was able to watch the funeral services for President Hinckley today. I was with a lot of other church members at a fireside when I found out about his death last Sunday night. I had mixed feeling of sadness and joy, much like everyone else. I was thankful to be with others of the same faith and to hear words about how much Gordon B. Hinckley meant to this generation. On Monday I again gathered with church members and we again spoke of how he touched our lives. I appreciated the testimonies of my contemporaries. I think we all feel that this great man was "our" prophet...I know I do. I have gone through this week quietly reflecting on the loss, but was yet unprepared to mourn. It hadn't "hit me" yet that he was gone, probably because we know that he isn't gone...he has just gone home before us.

Well, today it has finally hit me. I am thankful that the friends and families of our prophet shared his services with us, because it has finally given me the opportunity to shed tears of sorrow mixed with tears of joy in honor of this great man. Through his example I have felt the intense love that Heavenly Father has for all of his children, even me. Gordon B. Hinckley was the best example of my Savior Jesus Christ that I have ever known. I think that Heavenly Father knew that we would need examples of Jesus Christ on Earth, someone who followed his example so well that one could feel as if they knew the Savior themselves. President Hinckley is one of these people. Through him and his life, I feel that I have been led closer to Heavenly Father and the Savior, and I can feel their love so strongly. What love President Hinckley had for all people on Earth, and with that love he gave his whole life to building up Christ's church, to bringing souls closer to their creator who loves them so. Thank you President Hinckley for your life, your humility, your example. I can't ever express in words what you have meant to me. I love you, and God be with you 'til we meet again.

I hope that we will all continue his legacy, that we will all love our fellow brothers and sisters, and try to be a little bit better every day. I know I will die trying. Life gets hard, and we can get lost in the little details, but I know that there is a greater purpose. This life is the time to prepare to meet God, to return to our Heavenly Family. I hope and pray that I will never forget and that I will follow the example of President Hinckley and so many others. I am so thankful for the gospel and for Jesus Christ, who died that I might have eternal life. I am just so, so grateful.

I read this post on another blog after I posted mine, and the poem they chose was just perfect. I share it with you here -


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