Beach Bonfire

Last Saturday night we had a bonfire at the beach right by my house. Eva Joy, Emily & I threw a party for Sara, who turned the big 3-0! We had a great time, and I'm sure it was one of the first of many bonfires here in San Clemente!

Sara and I. comfy in our chairs, right before sunset. Of course I am reading Harry Potter...I am such a nerd!

Our little area...we had the best spot!

San Clemente Pier

We have the most beautiful sunsets here!

A few of the many people that showed up - Travis, Allie, Tristen, Josh, Sara, Emily, and dear old what's-his-name. :) I don't think we were ever properly introduced. :)

Eva Joy and I

Sara blowing out 30 candles....hey wait a second! We let her off easy!

We had such a great time...thanks to everyone who came!!!

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