Movie Night!

Last Friday Christa, Julie & I went to a matinee showing of 'Iron Man' in Aliso Viejo. I had heard from just about everyone that the movie rocked, so I was afraid I would have too high of expectations and be disappointed. Let me tell you, I was not! It was excellent! I loved it! Who knew RDJ was so hawt? :) Luckily we heard about the extra scene after the credits and waited for was worth it! It got me so pumped for a sequel. People were leaving during the credits and I tried to call out to them, "No guys, stay...there's an extra scene!", but they didn't listen. Suckers. When we got out of the theatre Christa took a few shots with this big green guys tell me, who is more ripped? Christa or the Hulk? Yeah, I know, it's too close to call. :)

After the movie we met up with Laura and got our grub on at Macaroni Grill. I had a lot of fun writing on the table. I wrote a lot of incriminating things, but I'll post the most innocuous one here.

Julie sneering at me after all the stuff I wrote about her on the table. :) Christa & Laura
Julie & Heather BFF! ha ha :)
Ok, this was hilarious...while we were paying Julie busted out this membership the NRA! Whaaaa???? Not only is she a member, but her name on the card is Mr. Julie D. Monroe!
I guess it used to be Julie & Dustin Monroe (her brother) but the NRA decided to shorten it to simply Mr. Julie D. ha ha... hilarious! :)

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1 validations:

  1. Christa Jeanne May 22, 2008 at 1:52 PM

    Ummmm, yeah - I <3 Iron Man!!! I've got a total crush on RJD now, lol... sooooo gorgeous after all these years. I think he's even hotter now than he was in his younger days - might have something to do with the fact that he's sober now?