Powder Puff!

We had so much fun last saturday playing against the Irvine/Tustin Ranch team! We won like 20 - 0, but we had almost double the players, so it was kind of a hollow victory (at least that's how I feel). Don't get me wrong, we have some awesome players, and both teams had great defense. I bet we would have still won even if they had more girls, but they would have at least scored. I kept getting fouls called against me...sorry! I guess I like to hold people. I played center and if a girl was getting past me to get our QB I kept grabbing them...my bad! I'm not that great at football. It was such a hot day too. But we really did have a blast, and thanks to Wendy, Katie, Erin, Bree, Mandy, Christina and everyone else who actually knew what they were doing, we won!
This was supposed to be a "hardcore" pic, but some of us didn't get the memo. Oops!

Go San Clemente Slammerz!

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1 validations:

  1. Aubrey Messick May 22, 2008 at 4:30 PM

    I guess you could say we puffed the powder right out of them!

    PS- I'm stealing your pictures. Thanks!