Donna Martin Graduates!

Okay, not really, this is about Holly! :) She graduated from High School as a Valedictorian yesterday. Big Deal! I graduated 10 years ago! What a slow-poke! :) ha ha

With our parents, Margaret and David - I think this was taken at an award ceremony earlier in the week.

With her gown and smarty-pants sash, and her gold Valedictorian medallion

The babies that are getting thrown into the world!

With her boyfriend and fellow grad, Kevin

With mom and our Step-Dad Paul

Mommy & Daughter

In her Graduation dress...Modest is Hottest! :)

"The Pose"

Congratulations Holly! We are so proud of you, even if you are adopted, or an illegitimate child from the milk man, or whatever you are! Muah! <3

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3 validations:

  1. Wade May 31, 2008 at 12:51 PM

    YEAH HOLLY!!!!!
    I'm glad you share Holly with the world. She is da Bomb!

  2. A, J, and He-Bug June 7, 2008 at 10:10 PM

    I love seeing the pictures of your parents! It brings back such memories... your little sis has blossomed so much!

  3. Jennifer June 11, 2008 at 4:19 AM

    I can't believe Holly graduated and will soon bo off to BYU... what a crazy world.