Bad to the Bone Fridays!

It's totally not planned this way, but practically every Friday Christa, Julie and I got to Bad to the Bone in San Juan. It's just too freaking good to resist! I recommend the tri-tip and sausage combo plate with bashed potatoes and veggies. And the mac & cheese is AMAZING! Yeah, I'm a cow, but it's so so so YUMMY! It really is the best BBQ in Orange County, hands down!

We always get Golden Spoon afterwards...usually only a mini will fit! :) Last night we were so full we walked around a little bit before hitting the Spoon...there is this cool fountain in the center of the Plaza.

Tres Amigos! Thanks to one of the little boys who took a break from his game of Sardines to shoot this for us! :)
ps... I got some cash at the liquor store and they had these by the register...shots of alcohol to go. Really? Who could possibly need this? What is the world coming to?

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2 validations:

  1. Wade June 1, 2008 at 10:11 AM

    You must come and try Bandit's BBQ in Thousand Oaks. They have an awesome tri-tip sandwich and I add the hot link to it. MMMMM!

  2. Wade June 1, 2008 at 10:12 AM

    We should have one place for lunch and compare the other for dinner. Man, I have great ideas!