Universal Studios!!!!

Ok, my family knows that I have desperately wanted to go to Universal Studios for a while now...I haven't been since way before my mission and it's just such a cool place. It just never seems to happen though...no one could ever go with me, and then when someone would go, I couldn't go. Well, today my dream finally came true! :) Karly had 2 free passes that she could only use today, and she was going to go with her hubby, but he got called into work. Sucks for him, yeah for me! :)

The really cool thing was that we also got a free breakfast at the Hard Rock Cafe! Cool, we dig free stuff! I haven't been to City Walk in a hecka long time and it is really awesome now. Definitely a cool place to just go to or bring visiting family & friends.

Karly and her crossianwich that she made.

I'm a good girl...I always clean my plate! :)

So, we both hadn't been in a long time and there are a lot of new rides. Most notably to us, they replaced Back to the Future with The Simpons and they replaced ET with The Mummy. Sad! I will miss those rides a lot! Right at the entrance was a new feature, the House of Horrors. I know that at Halloween Universal does a truly frightening display...these guys make horror movies, so of course it's really creepy. But today was not Halloween. Or anywhere near Halloween, so I figured it would be a little scary, but no big deal. Well folks, I WAS WRONG! DO NOT GO IN THERE!!!! EVER!!!!! It was so frightening I can't even explain it. They got me so good. I'm still scared. The first thing that made me scream so hard that I lost my voice was the room with all the "Chuckie" dolls. They were all still, just sitting there, looking creepy. The last one was a little bigger, still creepy, just sitting there as 10 people walked by, and as I stepped near it, IT JUMPED OUT AT ME AS IF TO KILL ME!!!!!!!! I screamed bloody murder! How did it know that I have had a fear of Chuckie dolls forever!?! I am kinda shaking now just remembering it.

So, I had to keep walking through that horrible place to get out. I didn't want to be a pansy and use the Emergency exit. I was terrified, but I made it to the end, this gross room with bloody animals and even a human hanging from the ceiling. I could see the exit, but I was still being cautious, and I suddenly realized that the layout of this particular room would be perfect if someone wanted to...AGGGHHHHHHH!!!! Before I could finish the thought a guy came roaring out with a chainsaw! I screamed louder than I knew was possible for me, practically knocked Karly and some poor guy down as I ran from the room into the freedom of the outside world. The guy chased me the whole way! I have NEVER been so scared in my entire life! What a way to start the day.

Karly and I laughed at ourselves all day about that experience, but it was truly horrifying. And scarring! Don't say I didn't warn you!!!! Look at that evil Chuckie!

So, after that, we needed something nice and light and fun. Off to the Simpson's Ride, Krustyland. It was a motion ride, like Star Tours. It was so fun! We left with huge smiles on our faces. The best was when I took a picture of our picture from the ride, the attendant freaked out and ran over and yelled at me, covering the screen with her hands as if I had committed a crime! My bad! I do it at Disneyland all the time!

They played the funniest Simpson cartoons while we waited and had funny "advertisements"

The pic I had to committ a crime for. Like I'm really going to pay $20 bucks for that...yeah right lady!
Next was the Studio Tour, a MUST if you ever go to Universal. It had almost all my old favorites, with some updates, like War of the Worlds, The Who Land from the Grinch, and the Mummy instead of Avalanche. Gone were the old bridge and Earthquake, but they haven't touched Jaws or King Kong, thank goodness!

Hitchcock's Bungalow!

This was so AWESOME! I'm glad I decided to take the video!

I accidentally zoomed in too close on Kong!

They used miniatures for the new King Kong! Who knew?

Bree's house on Wisteria Lane

They were shooting a commercial for an unnamed soda company. I couldn't tell what it was for...I guess it was secret. So, if you see a commercial soon with big yellow ducks, let me know!

Next we went on Jurrasic Park and the Mummy. I loved them both! So fun! The last thing we did was Shrek 4-D. It's a 3-D film with the addition of moving chairs, water, air, etc... pretty cool! Here we are in our sexy 3-D glasses! :)

With all that walking and waiting in lines (though never for too long) we were all done, so we made our way home. We had a great time! Thanks Karly for the invite!

Cody loves Curious George! And I love Cody! :)

The end to another super-long post. The pix are smaller than usual to accomodate them all, but as always, you can click on them to make them bigger.

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4 validations:

  1. Wade June 1, 2008 at 9:56 AM

    I guess you got to see King Kong one last time before it burned. Interesting that it burns right after you are there. Should I call the arson squad?

  2. Hizzeather June 1, 2008 at 10:07 AM

    Whoa! That is so crazy! I'm glad too that we got to see it one last time!

    I was thinking that it was strage that they hadn't updated it to the new King Kong...maybe this was someone's way to force the issue! :)

  3. Wade June 1, 2008 at 10:09 AM

    I was watching the car video and when my phone beeped with your text it startled me. Are you giving me my own shop of horrors?

  4. Christa Jeanne June 1, 2008 at 11:42 PM

    Yeah, isn't that insane that the backlot burned down the NEXT DAY?!?! I'm glad you got to see it! And, I have to say, I'm totally disappointed that they nixed ET. Couldn't Universal be a little more like Disney and keep the old rides with just minor updates? Sheesh!