For the love

I enjoy my beautiful drive to and from work every day. Some days are gorgeous - a "bad" day is simply wonderful. Even when it's stormy, there are great views. I like watching how the sea changes every day. I'm very lucky to live where I do.

Even though I love viewing the ocean, there is another sight that I enjoy seeing even more. It's rare to see, and usually only happens in the early morning, but when I do get a glimpse of it, it brings a tear to my eye and gives me hope for the future. When I 'm lucky enough to witness it, I want to pull over and just watch, but I'm usually running late, so I don't have time.

It's the rare glimpse of the senior couple walking along in matching jogging suits.

Now, if you know me, you probably think I'm being sarcastic. I'm not! Okay...I am just a teensy-weensy bit, but I really do love seeing old couples! It is one of the sweetest things in the world! I can only dare to dream that Cody and I will live so long as to be able to get up early and enjoy a walk or jog in the soft morning light. I want to wear matching jogging suits and hold hands, and just enjoy being together. I guess we could do that now too, but somehow it seems it will be sweeter when we are's more of an accomplishment. In this day and age that we live in where there is so much strife, it's good to know that some things do stand the test of time, especially love. I encourage all couples, especially older ones, to get out there and show your love and commitment to the world. You could have matching rings, matching eyeglasses, or simply a matching smile, but nothing shows true and everlasting love like the symbol of the matching jogging suit.

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3 validations:

  1. Wade May 28, 2008 at 9:30 PM

    How do I post video. I tried 2x and it wouldn't load. Any help?

  2. Wade May 29, 2008 at 9:36 AM

    I have no idea what happened. I tried 2x last night to email you the video and it did the same thing. I thought maybe it was the computer but, if it downloaded somwhere I don't know.
    Thanks for your help.

  3. Christa Jeanne May 30, 2008 at 9:35 AM

    Awwww, tender!!