Happy Birthday Russ!

Russ turned 27 this week, so he invited people to go racing at K-1 Speed in Irvine. I thought at first that I wouldn't want to do it...I mean $20 to ride a go-kart? No thanks. But then I stepped inside...these aren't go-karts. They are mini race cars that can go up to 45 mph! We had so much fun! There were 2 heats with our large group...up first were the guys and Debbie's mom Carol. Debbie's Dad took first place, with Russ in a very close second. Next was the girl's turn. Julie creamed us all and took first, but I got second! It was so fun and I apologize to all the girls that I hit while speeding around out there! Next time I won't wear sandals though...that made it a little tough. The funniest part was right after we raced we drove to the Spectrum to go to dinner...I'm afraid I was driving like a crazy lady on the way there, speeding and taking corners fast. Oops!

Ileana, me & Julie, speed demons!
Russ heading out to the track The leaderboard...it doesn't matter who finishes first, it matters who has the fastest lap.
Whoa! Did you see that blur? That was Russ! :)
The head caps were so tight, but sexy!
Julie, about to beat us all
Ileana, who took fourth
Debbie, who got stuck in the back, so she had to deal with all the slow-pokes
At one point someone spun out, so we were all stopped, waiting for someone to set her right again. I snapped this pic, but I should have been paying attention because I missed the green flag! Typical girl move. :)
The whole crew...I'm not even going to attempt to name everyone
At Red Robin for dinner...the birthday boy!
We've been friends a long time! I hope we stay friends forever...he and his wife Debbie are so awesome!
After dinner we saw Indy! Sooooo good! ps...don't wait for a secret scene, there isn't one. :)
After Indy Christa and I got our hair styled by Adam Sandler. :) I am so excited for this movie...I am a HUGE Sandler fan!

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