Polynesian Festival

My good friend Ileana is in town, so she is forcing me to actually go outside and enjoy this cool city that I live in. :) It is so surprising how much I take it for granted until someone comes and visits. We had a lazy morning Saturday, then decided to go walking around town. We walked down to the pier...it was turning into a beautiful day, which was wonderful after the heavy rains we had the night before. It was just a little bit chilly, so there weren't as many people at the beach, which was strange for a Saturday, especially on a holiday weekend. We hoofed it back up the hill to Del Mar, where they were having a Polynesian Festival. It was really cool to check out all the booths and see all the pretty jewelry, clothes and accessories from Hawaii and other places. We got to hear an awesome band and see some talented dancers too. We loved it. Ileana was snapping a bunch of pictures when I suddenly realized that I am moving from here in a couple of weeks, and even though I'll only be 20 minutes away, I won't live in San Clemente anymore! So I started snapping away too, to preserve my memories of this awesome place.

El Camino Real...I love how they put banners up here all the time...It's so small-town!

The dancers at the festival

See, even white girls can shake their hips! This lady was cool.

And the crowd goes wild! :)

This is at the head of Del Mar...cute sign.

View of Del Mar from El Camino Real

There are such cute shops and sweet little alcoves on Del Mar

My street, Granada, one block south of Del Mar

My cute, little tri-plex! :)

I wanted to share a funny story...Ileana was driving down here from Palmdale Friday night and she was talking on the phone to her husband Eric, who is deployed right now in Afghanistan. She told him that she was coming to meet me, but that I was at a friend's house watching a movie. Eric asked her if I was at a boy's house or a girl's house. Ileana didn't know, as I had simply said I was at a friend's house. Eric got a little intense, asking Ileana why she didn't know who's house I was at, afraid I was at a boy's house. He and Cody are good friends, and it is so sweet that he is looking out for Cody, making sure I wasn't stepping out on him! For the record Eric, I was at my friend Julie's house with her, Christa and Karly. There was a boy there, Chris, but he is Karly's husband and was on the other side of the room the whole time. :) I love Eric and I'm glad he cares about us so much! <3 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5204367334183932786" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZAPEsYD15Ac_JbjItKuqTxCpK6CEX4Px0bsLgvxIVEuxBSjw6598X7feZlunN6UxYSk6N5hkP7bS_Yp2O3ujcUf9BMEisvgfzOvVyQAvFnJHzQ6Ef8QNrNcDfMSlp4Yw8tMp4CGZ0Xpc/s400/Pictures+115.jpg" border="0">Here's an old pic of Ileana and Eric...miss you Eric!

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1 validations:

  1. Karly May 25, 2008 at 4:29 PM

    You're moving soon, and I just realized I've never even seen where you live. So thanks for putting the picture of your tri-plex up. :) And yes, Chris was way on the other side of the room with me where the newlyweds sit. But I guess I'm not complaining. Soon you and Cody will be the newlyweds too. Not much longer!!