Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been a very busy week for me...there are a few really cool things that I want to blog about, but I need the time to be able to do them right. But right now I need to go to bed...I have a wedding to attend in LA in the am. Here are just 2 pics from the week...I'll be back Sunday or Monday, I guess. I had to buy Cody new shoes and a few other things and get a package off to him this week. My poor baby has gone through 5 pairs of shoes already! I guess when you are that big, it's hard on your shoes. This time I got him Docs, with the big rubber sole. If he splits these I don't know what I'm going to do! Anyways, he is size 15, so it's hard to find shoes for him. I ordered these online, and I couldn't help comparing them to my shoes and feet. Insane!

We went to Disneyland on Wednesday. We are approaching high-tourist time, so it was nice to go one last time before they take over. Here's Christa running away from a huge rock ball. Instead of running I decided to take a picture. :) ha ha

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