Thank goodness for potatoes!

Last Fast Sunday, I wasn't feeling well. In fact after I got ready for church, I laid down and ended up falling asleep. I woke up right before Sacrament meeting ended, bummed that I had missed it. I decided that I shouldn't bother going to the rest as I still wasn't feeling well, but then I remembered...I had 20 potatoes baking in the oven for our "Break the Fast" after church. I had to go! So I made myself go to church, put my potatoes in the kitchen and went to Sunday School. I was still kinda groggy, but it was a great lesson...Matt always gives great lessons. After the lesson I sat there waiting for all the gals to come into Relief Society, and no one came. They were all heading to the chapel. So I headed there and was pleasantly surprised to find out we had a guest speaker, Sister Chieko Okazaki! We had talked about trying to get her to speak to us, but I never heard that it was confirmed. I am so thankful that I went to church! She is such an amazing speaker! You can just see the love that she has for the Gospel and for Christ radiating through her. And she speaks from her heart, with a no-nonsense approach, about how we can be better followers of the Savior. She spoke about seeking Christ, and shared such lovely scriptures and stories. I was really uplifted and felt the Spirit so strong. She said some great things that I really needed to hear. I am really thankful for those darn potatoes!

Sister Okazaki with Hilary Weeks, one of my favorite singers

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