Stake Temple Day

The San Clemente Fifth Ward had an awesome opportunity last Thursday to do something never done before in the Newport Beach Temple - we "took over" the bapistry from 8am to 4pm and performed a ton of ordinances, using just members of our ward! It was kinda funny at first because the Temple Workers didn't know what to do. They are used to how things usually run, with small groups coming throughout the day. So when we threw them a curve ball like this, they got a little flustered. But after the initial bump in the road, all went well. It was such a special experience to serve alongside our ward members all day. I'm thankful for our Priesthood holders who were able to perform the ordinances. I'm thankful for the sisters who were willing to sacrifice their time to be there. It was hard work, especially for the men, but we were a well-oiled machine and easily did about 2,500 ordinances. We did so many that the Temple ran out of names to give us! It was a very special day. I was very touched and close to tears all day for a few reasons. I always feel such peace and joy in my heart when I am in the Temple. It causes my heart to fill up so much that it starts pouring out my eyes! :) The spirit was so strong, and it was just so great to see our ward come together and just serve all day. It was such a special experience. I'll never forget it.

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2 validations:

  1. Aubrey Messick June 9, 2008 at 3:28 PM

    Thursday really was such a special day. I was sad I couldn't be there for the baptisms, but I hurried over there after work to do a couple hours of initiatories. I hadn't done them in quite some time and it was so wonderful to be reminded of the amazing blessings that are given in the temple ordinances. I love having the Newport Temple so close by!

  2. Hizzeather June 9, 2008 at 3:58 PM

    Yeah, we are very blessed to have a Temple so close! I'm bummed we didn't get to serve together on time! :)