Saturday - What a day!

Saturday June 7th was a very special day...first of all, it was Cody's 25th birthday! Second, Jennifer Burton and Benjamin Martin were sealed in the Los Angeles Temple for Time and Eternity!

They looked so very happy! It was such a special experience to be in that sealing. Jen and Ben (or Bennifer, as Cody calls them! :) have had a lot of opposition towards their relationship. It is something that I can't understand because they are two wonderful people, not perfect, but trying to do what's right. They know that they are meant to be together, so they made the decision to get married despite other's protests and had to do everything on their own, which can be very tough. My heart was aching during the ceremony because some people were so opposed that they didn't even come to support this beautiful couple. It can almost make you doubt that they were doing the right thing. I was very upset on behalf of Jen and Ben, but I needn't have been. One look at them and the love between them washed away all of my fears for them - they looked like they didn't have a care in the world! Their Sealer was a wonderful man, and the ceremony was so perfect. I was especially touched when he said that he knew that they were doing the right thing, that Heavenly Father was happy with this union. The Spirit was very strong! Any doubts that I may have had are gone forever. I am so happy for you Bennifer! :)

On a side note, in the midst of this special experience I got a personal confirmation that the LA temple is where I should get married too. I have been wondering where for a long time, since the Newport Beach Temple is now my Temple and I have grown to love it too. It's so beautiful and modern and I've had some wonderful experiences there. But the LA temple is MY Temple forever...I have grown up going to that Temple and have had some amazing experiences there. That is where I want to be sealed to Cody for Time and all Eternity.
After the sealing I drove "home" to Palmdale and got to hang out with my wittle baby Ethan! I love that little kid so much, and his little brother Tai too!
He has a thing for cars and trucks now...we're glad he's out of the vacuum phase! :) We also got to take him to see his first movie! We saw Kung Fu Panda...he loved it and sat still...until his popcorn ran out! Then he did the shuffle, sitting with mommy, then grandpa, then Heather, then daddy, then some random stranger, until luckily the movie was over! It was a great movie though...really funny.
Isn't this picture cute? Click on it to see it bigger!

Later that night I went to Ben and Jen's reception. It's so weird that she is Mrs. Martin now!

Of course you have to have a little fun cutting the cake! :)

The cake was adorable with a mini glass LA Temple on top. I didn't get any more pictures, but I did catch the bouquet! Unfortunately someone else caught it at the same time and wanted it just a little more than I did...she cut me for it! I have an inch long cut on my hand! I just let go rather than start a brawl...she must need it more than I do! :)

After their reception I hopped on over to another friend's reception, Jared Harper. I was shocked when I arrived at the building...every inch was decorated and so pink! It was overwhelming after the simplicity of the first reception, but it was pretty. I got a lot of ideas from both receptions, but I think mine will fall somewhere in between as far as decor!

Of course I loved the cake! H for Heather Hokanson! Oh yeah, and I guess for Harper too. :)

Is this really the basketball court at the church???? WOW!
I loved the shabby chic chandelier!

Jared and Tara looked very happy and very cute together!


After all the festivities I was tuckered out! But it was a wonderful day and I am so very happy for my beautiful friends!

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