Moving day!!!!

First of all, I am so thankful to the people who helped me move! I know that in our church service is standard, but I want them to know that I did not expect it at all and I am so grateful! They did me such a huge favor...I hope I can pay them back somehow! Thank you Seth, Mark, Tony, Adam and Julie!!!!

So if you remember, my room looked like this...

Yeah, I have a lot of stuff. And this shows about 1/8 of it!

Yesterday, before the final packing, my room looked like this...

And then, thanks to Mark disassembling that massive bed in like 10 minutes (you're amazing!), it was empty. The guys took everything down 3 flights of stairs and loaded 3 trucks (small trucks, in case you think that sounds like a lot!). We drove it all to Aliso Viejo and they had everything unloaded within 20 minutes! Amazing!

Funny story...Julie is going to kill me for this. So, Julie was in the back of the pack when we headed to the new place. It only takes 20 minutes to get there. So, we're at the new place, starting to unload, and Julie says, "Oh, when we were still on your street something fell out of my truck." She says this super casually. I freeze, bewildered, and ask, "Did you stop and get it?" "No." "Ummmm," I ask, still in shock, "why not?" "I honked, but you guys didn't hear, so I kept going." So now I am kinda freaking out, asking what it was, calling my neighbor, asking him to run outside and look for the "something black" that Julie said fell out of her truck, but that she didn't want to stop and pick up!!!!! My neighbor was surprised, saying, "You guys left a long time ago and you are calling me now?" Yeah, my thoughts exactly. It's too bad we don't live in an age where we can contact each other immediately with some sort of cellular device...OH WAIT, WE DO!!!! Apparently Julie has not gotten the memo. :) By the time he walked up and down the street it was long gone. Anyways, it turns out that it was this little cooler that I had filled with my frozen food. It only cost like $30 and it had like $20 worth of brussel sprouts and frozen dinners, so really, if that's my only cost of moving, I got off easy. Besides, I like to think that someone walking on my street had been praying for food and some way to keep it cool, and then they are walking along, and the answer to their prayer bumps off Julie's truck! Miracle! :)

So, my moving crew left me to my own devices, and I got settled surprisingly easy. I love my new place! Kim has such a cute place, and I love my little cubby in it! :) I still have a lot of organizing to do, especially with all of my stuff in the garage, but I'm all moved in, everything pretty much fits, and I'm happy to have a fresh start and to get to know Kim better...a lot better! :)

Here are some pics of the place...

My craft stuff has yet to find a home...

My closet - I'm still getting organized, lay off me!

The real reason I moved in with Kim...a washer and dryer! j/k... I seriously am glad to not have to hoard quarters anymore though!

I love how Aliso Viejo has so many trees...this one welcomed me by throwing up purple flowers all over my car. Note to self - park somewhere else! :)

Although I am excited, I just want to note that I will really miss living in San Clemente and with Lisa. She is such a cool gal, and SC is an awesome place to live, the little Spanish city by the sea. But I'll still visit!!!! Especially since I don't have cable in the new place...gasp! I'll have to get my fix at Lisa's!

So....remember, I still have my air mattress! I hope friends come and visit soon!!!!!

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4 validations:

  1. Malinovka June 11, 2008 at 11:26 AM

    LOVE your new place!!! Man, I wish I lived there.... :) Did you get your 16-box organizer/bookshelf (?) from Ikea? I really need to get one of those... Loved all the photos of the weddings and temples too. It's so fun to read about what you're up to. I never commented on your trip via public transport, but I just loved that post. Glad you stood up for Christ when that looney guy was saying bad things. We all get those little moments to define who we are. Love your blog!

  2. Jennifer June 11, 2008 at 8:29 PM

    Ooooo what a lovely new place :)

    I love all the Ikea furniture. In my opinion, Ikea is pretty much the best store on the planet (followed closely by Target, Barnes & Noble, and Anthropologie).

  3. Sjauna June 11, 2008 at 10:53 PM

    Um, I'm pretty sure no one was praying for brussel sprouts.

  4. Hizzeather June 15, 2008 at 8:54 PM

    Yes, it is from Ikea....I love it! It's so perfect for books and knick knacks.

    Thanks for the nice comments Robyn!!! :)

    Hi Jen! It's good to see your craftiness...I want a skirt! :)

    Sjauna, you never know...brussell sprouts are dang good! And they got some awesome meatloaf too! :)