Surprise visit from my Nephews!

My brother Derek and his wife Naomi decided to make an impromptu trip to visit me on Wednesday! It was so fun to have my little babies come visit me! They first came to Newport to my office to hang with me until I wrapped things up and we could go play! It was fun riding with Ethan in the "Alligator" all the way up to the 16th floor. I could see how he was confused by the fact that after we went in that bumpy little room and the doors opened again, we were in a new place! :)
After I was done we went back to my new place, rested a bit, and then went to Laguna Beach. The boys loved the water! They got soaked! The waves were pretty big and the surf was choppy, but it was fun. Come back and visit soon!
The boys don't have time to smile for pictures...they're busy!
Baby on the way! We're hoping for a girl, named Heather of course...psyche!

Tai is so happy to see water!!!!

Mommy got a little too close and got caught by a surprise wave!
Daddy stayed safe on the rocks

Another beautiful day in Orange County...

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