
I don't really have too much to blog about. I had a great weekend; Holly was here and we hung out, I went with some great gals to the San Diego Temple because Cassie was going through for the first time. I went to an awesome pool party. Church was really cool this week...not sure why, I was just feeling it I guess. And my friend Ben came out for a visit. I had a really great week.

But I don't want to blog about any of it. Weird.

The one thing I do want to write about is this - I got a letter from Cody this morning...He was online when I woke up, so we could do the reply-to-your-letters-really-fast way to have a quick conversation, which was cool. A while ago I told him that I wasn't going to discuss anything about the wedding anymore, because I didn't want him to get trunky, but to just focus on his mission for these last few months. But this week I couldn't help thinking about it. I kept thinking that we should get married in early February. My friend Rayna even suggested Valentine's Day, which is totally cheesy, but somehow sorta appealing to me. Her rationale was that then we would actually have a real reason to celebrate the commercialized holiday. I was thinking about it all Saturday, especially at the Temple...but I didn't want to say anything about it to Cody, because I had said I wasn't going to talk about it at all. So cut to this morning, where I log onto my email to read my letter from Cody, and he tells me that he had a sort of epiphany on Sunday at church that we should get married in early February. Whoa! Because of the time difference, pretty much while he was in church on Sunday, I was at the Temple on Saturday! That's kinda crazy. I mean, I know that stuff happens, but not to ME! We are actually on the same page for once, in sync even though we are in different countries and have limited contact. Anyways, I just thought that was really cool. So, when he gets back in December, we'll have to decide between February 7th or 14th....hmmmm.... :)

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