
Holly is in town visiting. I was supposed to do lunch with Ben and Toni, who are also visiting, but they had family beach time, so Holly and i went ourselves to try out Nagisa Sushi in Corona Del Mar. I really liked it! It's a great place, and the sushi is so fresh and yummy. I had heard that the owner is grumpy, but he was super nice to us, and funny too!

This was my first attempt to try and shove a piece of shrimp tempura roll in my mouth. I hate it when they are the big can't really bite them, and they are too big to fit in your mouth! :)

Can you guess which one is the super lucky cat? :)
The owner...I didn't get his name...Mr. Nagisa maybe? :) Funny guy.
The baked California roll that I had heard so much about. My Not great, but not bad. I prefer unbaked I guess.
Holly about to try the baked out, it's hot!

It's always nice to do lunch with my baby sister. :)

About this entry

7 validations:

  1. Cal June 13, 2008 at 4:50 PM

    yum. If you like sushi, you'll love fruishi. :)

  2. Jeri Pettingill June 14, 2008 at 3:32 PM

    Hi Heather,
    Someday I'll learn to blog like you do. I admire your work. But reading a blog is dangerous...there is always something more that leads you to something else that is interesting. A brazillion thanks for the fun.
    Love, Aunt Jeri

  3. Unknown June 14, 2008 at 5:12 PM

    Jon loves Sushi. I tried it once on our honeymoon and just couldn't get past the taste of seaweed. I hear when you are pregnant and nursing you can't eat sushi...I'm sure that's just a rumor, but after I'm done with this pregnancy I may just have to try some again. Jon and my twin sis keep raving about it.

    p.s. your picture at the top of you and Cody--DARLING! You guys are such a cute couple and you look like one HOT mama!

  4. Jessi June 14, 2008 at 7:35 PM

    Heather Bay-Buh!! I'd like to try some of that sushi, but if they're all out, I'm just going to watch "Bootie Call." Get it? :)

  5. Aubrey Messick June 14, 2008 at 11:53 PM

    YUM! I've never been to this sushi joint. I'll have to try it out!

  6. Hizzeather June 15, 2008 at 8:49 PM

    I love all these comments!!!

    Caliie - where do I get fruishi? I know you said that Grant loves it...I want to try it!

    Jeri - I love that you love my blog, and I love that you referenced Brazillian!!!! You are now my favorite Aunt!!! :)

    Ange - That's aren't supposed to eat fish or sushi while pregnant, but you need to try it with me out here in California after the baby...I promise you'll love it!!!!

    Jessi - Thank you for reminding me of how hilarious I am, because I honestly forget! ;) I don't remember making that comment, but I love that you do! :)

    Aubrey - I think you will like it...honestly it's not so great that I'll go often, but I would definately go again sometime.

    I love you, my friends!!!! Thanks for commenting on my little blog!!!

  7. Wade June 15, 2008 at 10:59 PM

    I had to laugh at your last comment on Gracies blog. Thanks, I needed a good laugh before I start Cub Scout Day Camp this week.
    We will have the front steps poured on Thursday.
    Please stop by anytime after that.
    Thanks for always leaving a comment. I need validation too much.