I'm definitely going to hell for this one...

Ok...I am seriously sitting in my office laughing like a maniac right now. I can't help it! During my blog stalking, I saw this picture of Jesus sitting next to a man while he was having a root canal. I thought it was a joke. It's not. Check this out...This gentleman received a calling to draw pictures of Jesus with us in our everyday life. I must say that I do not mean to discourage this man or make light of his personal mission. But maybe a little part of his mission was to make me laugh really hard, so I wanted to let him know that he suceeded...especially with this one!

I, as a Christian, truly believe that Jesus can be with us when we need him in our daily lives. I appreciate that this man is trying to let the world know this and sharing his testimony. But I never before thought that Jesus might clap when we juggle. Seriously...I have tears streaming down my face right now...am I the devil?

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5 validations:

  1. Benjamin June 20, 2008 at 1:41 PM

    That juggler looks like Jim Carrey's character from Dumb and Dumber. . . if he had Down Syndrome.

    There, now I'm going to an even lower rung of hell.

  2. Hizzeather June 20, 2008 at 1:48 PM

    That does make me feel a little better...thanks! :)

    I am still laughing!!!!

  3. Cari June 20, 2008 at 2:56 PM

    LOL .... that is unbelievable! My sides!!!!

    If this is the reason I am going to hell, I will laugh all the way down.

  4. Jessi June 20, 2008 at 3:54 PM

    Hi Care! Oh Heather!! Are you trying to kill me and take me down with you so you won't be lonely!! Hilarious! I would absolutely want some help if my "root canalist" looked like that!

  5. Cal June 25, 2008 at 11:51 AM

    Thank you. I will never play the french horn the same again. It also looks like He prefers the guitar to any other instrument... something to think about.