Girl's Night!

Melanie is the hostess with the mostest. She invited a bunch of gals over for an awesome 80's movie and pizza. We had such a great time!!!

Natalie, Rayna & Debbie
Christina loves candy! Allison does too.
Heather and Christa
Loungin' Julie
Melanie - I love her!
Me and Mel - do you like my new hair color and cut? Dawn at Legends Salon in RSM - she is awesome!!!! Thank you Dawn!
All the girls - Heather, Melanie, Christa, me, Megan, Debbie, Rayna, Julie, Natalie, Christina, Anne, Allison, and Melissa
The silly picture! Gotta love pics with the self timer!
This was my first time seeing this's classic! The dance moves are hilarious! The acting is really bad, but that makes it so fun. The heroine is Sarah Jessica Parker and she is so bouncy and awkward! The hero is a dream boat though! Cool movie!

Thanks for the memories Mel!

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1 validations:

  1. Aubrey Messick June 22, 2008 at 4:05 PM

    So sad I missed this one!!! Looks like you girls had a great time. :)