Relay for Life!

I had a pretty amazing day today. I had the opportunity to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life out here in Mission Viejo. My friend Jason is an Allstate Agent and loves to get involved with the community, so I joined his team. I had never done this before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I had gotten some donations thanks to my dear friends and co-workers, and I knew it was 24 hours long, but I never dreamed I would stay longer than a few hours. I got there at 10 was already hot as heck. Only Jason and I were there, so we did a lap around the track holding our banner, then sat and waited for more team members to come. And waited. And waited some more. :) It was so freaking hot that no one dared come! finally at about 12 Summer from our team came and brought a friend. They walked that track for an hour straight! Jason and I had done a few laps here and there, but we didn't have enough team members to have someone at the track at all times. Kim, my new roomie came for an hour and a half too. At this point I had to dash home and change because although I wore capri pants, they were sweat material and I was dying!

So after I put on my lightest clothes, I came back and we kept walking and chatting and eating and just enjoying the even. Anne had joined us and we had a great time, the 3 of us. There was so much going on and so much energy from the people. Most there had done it many years in a row, but they said that we had a good group and set-up for our very first year. They had theme laps and decorating contests and live bands and air bounces and so much stuff. It was awesome.

Later that night, when it had finally cooled down, we finally got some people to show up...Mark, Tessa, Kim again, this time with her boyfriend Dave, Melanie, Rayna, Christina and Christa. We had fun chatting and walking and eating all the cool snacks Jason got for us.

We decided that we didn't want to pull an all nighter with everyone else (the event goes from 10 am to 10 am the next day), so we packed up before midnight so we could come home and get to bed. It was an awesome, exhausting day, but I was pumped and had a great time. It's good to know that so many people care and we raised a ton of money for the ACS. The sleepiness has just hit me, so I'm off to bed.

Walk until I drop!

They had concerts and live music...really cool, except when the bands sucked.

I love my Relay got it when you earned over $100 in donations...thank you sponsors!

The have theme laps...pretty cool!

People really got into the themes, despite the heat.

The track was sparsely filled during the heat, but at dusk it got rockin'!

When I say people camp out there for 24 hours, I mean it!

Jason's awesome set-up, complete with drinks and snacks galore...all the neighboring stations loved us!

Kim playing frisbee at dusk

Anne, probably on Facebook telling everyone to get their butts to the Relay...of wait, that was me that kept doing that! :)

These luminarias pulled at my heartstrings. I read them as I walked as they were lining the track. Too many people have gone too early due to cancer.

Jason, Mark and Tessa in action!

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  1. Unknown June 22, 2008 at 2:13 PM

    Heahter, How on Earth are you? Alisha Nelson here. I dont think I have seen you in probably over 10 years. I saw your blog link on Alissa Clarks page. How are you? Goodness it has been forever. Last I heard you were on a mission and I think my sister Misty might have written to you a few times. I have a blog but it is by invite only email me and I will add you. 2 of my other sisters have blogs too Desserae & Brittney. Misty doesnt have one. Email me it would be great to catch up!!