Diner's Club

Once a month our ward has Diner's Club. If you are so inclined, you sign up, then our coordinator Melissa puts everyone into little groups. One from the group hosts a pot-luck dinner. Tonight was my very first time hosting! I had a cool group and we had a great time. I provided the main course, and my peeps brought all the fixins, sides and dessert. I decided to try a new recipe I found, Inside-Out Bacon Cheeseburgers. It was my first time making homemade hamburgers, and thanks to grill-master Brian, they were really good! I really recommend the recipe!

The finished product, made with love. :) I really loved the bacon and cheese inside. It was the perfect amount for me. I used cheddar cheese, not grody kraft singles. Next time I'll try some grilled onions too!

Anne. Kombod and Melanie...Kombod had his pick of the ladies after Brian and Adam left!

Eva Joy and Sara
Julie!!!! I just love Julie!
Anne's I'm hungry face...what the heck...we just ate!
Me and Jules...I really hate this pic of me...I'm laughing and with the angle my face is puffy and it looks like I got stung by a bee or something, but I put it up here to prove to my girls that everyone is too busy looking for themselves in pictures to notice other people, so no one else will even see that I look funky...except now that I pointed out they will. My bad. :)
In memory of Debbie, Natalie and Adam, who had just left to got to the Fireside...what good examples to us! :) Brian had left earlier...Sunday is a really long day for Ward Clerks! Poor baby.

Thanks to my peeps for coming out...I had a great time! I can't wait for next month's Diner's Club!

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5 validations:

  1. Holly Mo June 23, 2008 at 11:51 AM

    haha, you DORK! Diner's club sounds really fun, and I've had those inside-out hamburgers before. YUM!

    And By the way, that is a great picture of you. You look so happy and just being yourself. Don't be too self-critical. Its a keeper :)

  2. Julie M. June 23, 2008 at 11:57 AM

    Memories!! You may not look your best in that picture, but it is a dang fine photo of me that you've taken, so keep it! I give big props to Brian for stepping in a being the grill master. He was still in his church clothes (pants, shirt, AND tie) and went out in the blazes to make us a great dinner.

    P.S. Kambod not Kombod, and for your phonetic name brain, "Com-bode".

  3. Karly June 23, 2008 at 7:12 PM

    I looked at your pictures first, before reading your post (you know we all do it) and I thought to myself, "that is a great picture of Heather!!" Then I read your post and saw that you said you didn't like it at all. Haha, well..I know we're all more critical of ourselves, but I can't believe how opposite that was. :)

  4. Hizzeather June 23, 2008 at 10:19 PM

    Sorry...I wasn't fishing for compliments, I swear! But you just helped me prove my point...no one cares what our picture looks like but us, so we shouldn't be afraid to display them, even if it isn't our best angle. Or we look like we were stung by a bee. :)

  5. Sjauna July 3, 2008 at 11:11 AM

    Yum, I am totally making those tonight! Thanks for the link!