Jessi, my babe-uh!

Jessi and I at Seminary Graduation, 1998 (Yeah, I know I'm making a weird does that a lot! :)

Some of you know one of my bestest friends Jessi, and have heard about the recent health scare she had. I have been meaning to write a nice long post explaining what happened to her, but whenever I sat down to do it, I just couldn't. I had like an emotional block or something. Every time I think about it, I remember how close we came to losing her and I get all weepy and just shut down...I really don't handle this kind of stress well. Anyways, Jess saved me the trouble and blogged about it herself, now that she is stronger. It is such a wonderful post, and I wanted to share it for those that know and love her.

Click here - Six Peas in a Pod

Jess and Spencer, her newest baby boy. This was a few days after she got out of the hospital. She had to be in a wheelchair, but she was so happy to be back with family in a normal setting.

Jessi and her husband Gary...I love this picture!

I am ever so thankful that my friend's life was spared. She is a wonderful wife, mother and friend, and I just don't know what we would do without her. I love you!

About this entry

2 validations:

  1. Jessi June 25, 2008 at 8:47 PM

    Heather! You da bomb! What would I do without YOU!? You're are the absolute best friend a gal could ask for. Hey, remember when we hated each other, Sprinklers? Ca-Razy! I love you so much, buay-buh! Hey, I'm coming to town next month. Maybe we can finally watch "Booty Call."

  2. Wade June 26, 2008 at 4:25 PM

    I have no idea who the wierdos are. Their comments appeared about 10 minutes after I posted. I feared that the jerks would show up lurking sometime. From what I could tell they are both from out of the country. I'm glad I've kept most of the blog vague. Holly showed me how to use Google Reader. Thanks for teaching her and sending her out our way. We had a very nice couple of days with her.