Friendship Quilts

We have barely started on them yet, but I wanted to take some pictures of the fabrics the gals picked out to help give ides to those who haven't picked theirs out yet (like me!). Also, maybe this will help change the mind of those who didn't want to participate! Kellie & Rachael cutting away
Laura incorporated her love of music! Great idea!
Dawn has the Victoria's Secret/Puppy vibe going
Rayna and her colorfulness
Kim's likey!

Even Brother Persson is quilting, with his "manly" fabrics!

Basically we are all going to make a bunch of squares in a heart shape pieced from our four different fabrics that we chose. then we will exchange pieces and piece the pieces together to make a large quilt for ourselves. You can finish it of by having people sign their piece, if you want, to remember them by. I am so excited...I have never quilted before!

I'll keep you posted on the progress!

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4 validations:

  1. Karly June 25, 2008 at 12:26 AM

    Oh my! How do I get in on this?? I have never quilted before and this sounds awesome! After you do it, let me know how it goes. Then I'll host another friendship quilt activity and we'll do it all again. Except I'll let you run it because you'll be an expert by then. Right??

  2. Jennifer June 25, 2008 at 3:02 AM

    Oh man, I just started cutting out and sewing together pieces for a quilt a few weeks ago, but I'm not really happy with my fabric choices... meh.

    also I'm nervous about what to do after I finish the quilt top. Batting, the back, the actual quilting part...

  3. Christa Jeanne June 25, 2008 at 9:16 AM

    Laura showed me her quilt square this morning, and I can't WAIT to go fabric shopping and get in on the quilting goodness! Quilting is too fun, and I love how our finished product will be stamped with a little bit of everyone's personality.

  4. Aubrey Messick June 25, 2008 at 12:51 PM

    How fun! Am I too late to join in on the quilting?