Not this year Powell...sorry!

So, my extended family goes to Lake Powell every year. They've been doing it since the 60's or 70's. We used to rent 2 houseboats, but now my aunt & uncle have a timeshare and not as many people go, so we all just pile onto the one, and rent another if the interest is there. There are some hard-core people in the family who never miss a year. I used to be one of them. Then I had to unfortunately face real life and realize that I can't always afford to go. So, I haven't gone the past few years. When Cody was here I didn't go because he couldn't go, and I really couldn't imagine leaving him for a whole week! Cut to now, where I haven't seen him in 17 months. :) Last year I had a position at the Resort where I was needed all the time at work. I would've gone, but I basically had to choose between that and our other extended family trip, Ventura Beach House for a week. I chose Beach House since more family members would be there. So, this year I have been all gung-ho about going. It really is an awesome vacation. First of all, my family is dang cool. We would have fun just hanging out on the moon together (the moon is the most boring place I can think of :). Then of course there is all the water sports...the banana boat, wake boarding, tubing, skiing. It's so fun, and it's been so long for me. So I totally planned to go. Then a heat wave hit us this week here, and my hives started going crazy. I have been miserable, and taking my medication makes me loopy, tired, and stupid. I hate it. Luckily it cooled down today. But it hit me last the heck do I think I'm going to be in the heat of Arizona on a boat? Yeah, there is a/c, but I can't expect them to run it constantly for me. I guess I can just sit in the water all day, but I'll get kinda pruny. And don't get me started on having to drive there and back. I want to have a fun trip, and I can't imagine it being fun for everyone if I am either scratching my limbs bloody or heavily medicated in a stupor. So, I have made the tough decision not to go. I am so sad! I am going to really miss out!
Well, there's always 2009! Lake Powell or BUST!

(That's a little joke for my family :)

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2 validations:

  1. Jessi June 24, 2008 at 11:21 AM

    Oh Heather, that stinks! Your poor hives must be so bad! I'm so sorry. I think you're allowed to put an "n" on that Dam, if it will make you feel better! I won't tell anybody!:) That's pretty fun- all these people who don't usually swear shouting, "Dam!" at every opportunity. It's so liberating. Well, Cody will be home next year and you'll have tons of fun!

  2. Hizzeather June 24, 2008 at 12:14 PM

    Awww...thanks babe-uh!