Riptide Sushi

Ok...I love sushi. It's just so yummy and light! If it wasn't so expensive I would eat it every day! But of course you have to pay for the art that is sushi...the expert slicing of the fish and vegetables, and the subtle sauces and garnishes that make sushi rolls dance delightfully on your taste buds....mmmmmm. Maybe it's a good thing I don't eat it every day...then it wouldn't be as special.
I was kinda out of it yesterday because I had to take one of my pills, so I only ordered a crunchy roll and a california roll...yeah, boring, I know. But it was a good thing I was sitting by Jason...he ordered half the menu and shared it with everyone! I am very thankful because he introduced me to the glory that is the crab stuffed jalepeno. So amazing! It has a tiny kick, but it's not spicy, because the heat from jalapenos comes from their seeds, and they take those out. I ate like 5 of them!!! Jason also got a ton of rolls, sashimi, and salads, so I got a little bit of everything. My favorite, behind the jalapenos of course, was the Galaxy roll. I didn't like the roll that had fried potato, but everything else was awesome. We had such a great night!
The rambunctious redheads - Anne, Julie and Melissa
Craig, Suzette, & Laura - Craig is doing his "sexy/bored" face :)
Missy and "Sweet Peas" (Matt Peas)
We got too much food! The bill was like $250...American excess at it's finest! :(
The "satellite group"...they sat at the bar like 5 feet from us. Dalin, Dawn and Drew
Jason and I
Roll us out of here...we're done!

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1 validations:

  1. Wade June 19, 2008 at 11:15 AM

    You do a great job with your blog. The pictures are always so cool. I really liked Craigs bored/sexy face. That is a keeper. I had a good chuckle with that one.