
I hate to break it to ya guys, but women have light facial hair. My fellow sister missionaries can attest to the fact that after living in Ukraine we seem to have more...I think there's something in the water. No, I'm serious, there is something in the water. Have you heard of Chernobyl?

Anyhoo, I have blonde hair, so I can get away with not maintaining my eyebrows, lip and chin that much, but every once in a while, my eyebrows need to be groomed. I usually pluck and get them waxed every so often, but waxing is really tough on my skin. It hurts, it takes away a layer of skin, and you get bright red in those areas for a few hours, so you have that obvious I-just-got-waxed look. I've heard about threading, and I've wanted to try it for a few years now, but never have. Since my skin is so sensitive now thanks to my whole hives-thing going on, and because I am just getting over a sunburn on my face, waxing just isn't an option. So I googled threading and found Nanu's. It's only 15 minutes from my work, so I went today on my lunch hour. I walked in, they sat me right down, and with no small talk she laid me back and started threading my face. She started with my felt very weird. The thread pulls out lots of hairs at once, so it was just a bit painful, but nothing I couldn't handle. Then she started on the area just below my lip...okay, that hurts a lot more, but beauty is pain, right? So I endure. Then, she starts on my upper lip... SON OF A BUTTERFLY, THAT HURTS LIKE A MOFO! It was seriously so freaking painful. I could only have her do a little bit at a time before I had to stop her and put pressure on the area to keep myself from crying out in agony. So, she moved on to my eyebrows, which hurt a little, but was nothing compared to what I just went through. When she was done, we had to go back to my lip. She went as fast as she could to hurry and get it done, but I was writhing in pain, tears streaming out of my eyes. It really hurts! But she finished within 2 minutes. I asked, and she said that it does hurt most people...I'm not a big pansy, just a little one, I guess. She gave me a tip to rub some baby orajel on the areas to be threaded 15 minutes before I come next time and that will numb it and there shouldn't be as much pain. If I get the courage to try my lip again, I will use that little gem of a tip!

So, driving home, I decided it was definately worth the trip. I was in and out of there within 12 minutes, I was nice and smooth without major redness, and my wallet was only $20 lighter, including tip. For those who are tough, I recommend threading. And the rest of us can just use baby orajel. :) major redness! This is me in the car right after I had it done. Yes, I am pink from a sunburn, my forehead is peeling a little bit from said sunburn, my make-up was applied in the car on the way to work and my hair is a hot mess, but no major redness! :)

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4 validations:

  1. Jessi June 19, 2008 at 4:05 PM

    Oooh, beautiful!! I'm doing it!! Only if you come with me, though. :) Thanks for leading the way- somebody has to do it!

  2. Russ and Debbie June 20, 2008 at 9:15 PM

    you should get your eyebrows tatooed on. That would be awesome

  3. Sjauna July 3, 2008 at 11:08 AM

    So when you're done, do you say, "I'm all strung out."?

  4. Hizzeather July 3, 2008 at 11:12 AM

    You guys (Russ & Sjauna) are freaking hilarious...NOT! :)