
So, in his letter this week, Cody told everyone that he had salmon at a member's house in Ukraine, but that mine is better. Although I was flattered, it also made me realize that I don't cook anymore since I have no one to cook for! I better get back in practice before he gets home!

So tonight, I made salmon for my roomie Kim & I. I purposely did not use a recipe to see if I could do it from memory, and I don't really have my kitchen staples hanging around because I am a vagabond and don't have my own kitchen, so I had to just use what Kim has. Surprisingly it still turned out pretty good. It's like 90 degrees outside (and in the apartment until I turned the air on) so it wasn't the best night to make a hot meal, but I'm busy every other night.

Season the salmon...I use dill, olive oil, garlic, lemon and onion

Make a tent with foil - a piece on the bottom, a piece on the top, edges crimped together with space inside for steam to circulate. Spray the foil with non-stick spray first.

Have you used these yet? Amazing! Zip 'n' steam bags. I usually have asparagus with salmon, but it wasn't on sale, so I got zuccini, my second favorite.
Kim doesn't have a potato masher! This spoon worked...I like my potatoes lumpy. I use herb cream cheese and milk for flavor.
It only takes about 12 minutes in a 400 degree oven...the salmon should be light pink, barely cooked.
Viola! A humble yet delicious spread.
Kim cleaned her plate...I didn't. It's always hard for me to eat after I've just cooked it. Weird, I know. It was pretty good...I hope that Cody thinks so too when he gets back!

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3 validations:

  1. Jennifer June 19, 2008 at 8:01 PM

    you should know that I think you make the best mashed potatoes on the planet.

    I still miss them *tear*

  2. Wade June 19, 2008 at 9:02 PM

    They are Swedes from Sweden. They read Gracie's blog. They enjoyed the wittiness of the writing and decided they would come to the USA and find Gracie. They are pretty good detectives. Just from reading the blog they found her. Great story isn't it.

  3. Hizzeather June 20, 2008 at 9:54 AM

    Wade...I don't believe you. Sorry. :)