The Dark Knight

So, I got a text early in the week from my friend Drew. He had a few tickets for the midnight showing and was getting a group together. I sent a text back with apologies, because unfortunately I am a responsible adult now (kinda) and I have a job M-F. Cut to Tuesday, when I tell Rayna that I'm not going, and she doesn't put up with my excuses. She told me that I had to go or I was lame. Welp, that sounds like a dare to me. Nobody calls me chicken! (Marty McFly:)

Luckily I got Drew's last ticket and I was able to go. My co-worker Geoff was super cool about covering for me at work so I could come in a little late too. Thanks Geoff!

Out tickets were for the Aliso Viejo theatre, and I live only 5 minutes away. We were meeting at 9pm at Chili's, so I decided to leave my place at 8pm and walk. It only took about 30 minutes, and I added about 4,000 steps to my pedometer! Yeah! :)
I wish my camera took better pictures at night, but the moon was so was a lovely night. Walking over the freeway...pretty sky!
So we got our grub on at Chili's and had a good time chatting, especially about steroid use in baseball (don't ask). :) Our friend Seth sent a text that the line was getting out of control. He was holding a place for us, and they told him that he couldn't let anyone else in line. Well, he had to save a place for about 20 people, so that was a problem! I was joking around with everyone at Chili's, saying that I would pretend to be his wife or something. I even said, "I'll just go & kiss him on the mouth!", totally joking around. So Adam and I walk over to join Seth in line, and when we get there Seth hops up and gives me a big hug. Now, anyone who knows Seth can understand why I froze in confusion at this warm gesture...Seth does not hug people, especially me. I was totally surprised and wondering what was going on when he whispered, "They'll only let my girlfriend join me!" So, I caught on, and tried to play it off, saying something lame like, "Hey honey," But I just wanted to laugh so hard. I guess I'm all talk about pretending to be someones wife! I suck at acting! I asked Seth how they would know that he let us in line, and he said the employees weren't checking, but that the guy ahead of us was really vocal about letting people cut. So, I decided that the best course of action was to become friends with the guy in front of us. I started a conversation about his sparkling water and that led to talking about countries we had lived in and as soon as we started talking in Russian all our problems were solved. Raj and I and a few others all had a very pleasant conversation whilst 20 people trickled in and joined us in line without him saying a word. I could tell that he wanted too at one point, but I pointed out that we were behind him and besides, we were in completely different theatres. He was actually a really cool guy, a movie buff, and we had a great conversation with him and his nephew Sachetan. We were all worried about seats for no reason, because even though we were in a super long line (it went around the whole building and we were behind the theatre!), it was just 1 long line for all 6-8 theatres it was playing in, so when we got in we had no problem finding seats.

Matt and a very sweet girl, whose name I forgot. I suck.

Johnny, Lindsay, Rayna & Drew

Paula, Emily, Eva Joy & Takashi

Jason, Johnny & Lindsay

Me, Seth & Adam

While I was annoying everyone by taking pictures, Paula busted out her camera...Polaroid! keeping it real! :)

I was getting kind of tired, but I bough an extra large diet coke to keep me going. I only drank 1/3 of...once you give up soda it is hard to drink it again! Cool! I was expecting some cool previews, but I had seen them all before, except for 1 that I don't even recall right now. Lame. Quantum of Solace does look sooooo good though! Finally, the movie started and I was transfixed for the 2.5 hour running time...the movie was AMAZING! It really did live up to the hype!
I won't discuss the film, because I know that people aren't as crazy as me to go see it at midnight, but you must see this film. It is a little dark, but even as I sat terrified, I laughed a lot too. There were just so many great characters and story lines, and a few surprises. I just loved it!
I didn't get home until about 3:30 and went straight to bed. I made it here to work and I'm definitely tired, but still elated from the whole experience...what a great night!
Heath Ledger's portrayal was very good, and very creepy. There was another creepy character too. One of the scariest parts? It's when the Joker says this line...
Go see it NOW!!!!

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3 validations:

  1. Unknown July 18, 2008 at 2:08 PM

    I cant wait to see this movie. It doesnt open here till next weekend. Lee and I watched batman Begins tonight just to get ready. It looks fantastic.

    I have been reading all your blogs. Your nephews are so cute!!! The gift you got are lovely. The ring is especially nice and well done for raising $200 for charity! Way cool. Bummer about the accident on the freeway that totally sux! 2 hours is bad enough but to add another hour and a half on your travel is even worse!! I havent read Twilight yet but both Misty and Brittney (my sisters) have been bugging me to read them for ages. I LOVE to read. But I havent had a chance to read these yet. I will before the movie come out that is for sure!! My husband has even read them to see what all the Hype was and he liked them too. Not as much as my sisters but he did like them. I will read them soon. x

  2. Christa Jeanne July 21, 2008 at 9:52 AM

    Haha, that Seth story is HILARIOUS!!! I totally can't picture him hopping up with hugs. But how perfect that the guy in front spoke Russian!

    I'm glad to hear the movie's awesome - I'm looking forward to catching it in IMAX. Ooooooh...

  3. Jules AF July 24, 2008 at 11:50 PM

    The preview you couldn't remember.... would it happen to be Watchmen? I thought that movie looked crazy. It's by the director of 300? But without the hot men with barely no clothes on.... sad