Hanging Out with the Taylors

Scott Taylor is in the hizzy visiting from WA and boy did we make sure he had a good time! Thursday we hung out at Russ' store laser engraving everything that wasn't bolted down. We were there so long that we had Chipotle for lunch and then Red Robin much later for dinner.

Russ & Debbie
Scott & I - BFF
Me and the Taylor Bizzoys
Hands off my fries...I will claw you to death!

We always have a great time together...I swear I have not laughed so hard since Cody left. It was good to be with old friends and bust out all the old lines and memories..."Maybe it's International!", "000 000 001", "I'll have a chalupa...", "Big Brawn!", and so many other classic inside jokes literally left me aching from shrieking with laughter!
On our way to the beach Saturday Russ' tire popped! Luckily we had a nice bench to wait for the tow truck on.
When we finally got to Laguna after switching cars it was a beautiful day. The water was so nice and clear...I even saw a bunch of fish swimming around near our feet which of course freaked me out. There were dolphins and big waves...it was a great afternoon.
Shaw Cove
Afterwards we had sushi at Riptide...the best!

The crab stuffed jalapenos are the BIZZOMB! I'm not joking...try them! They will change your life! :)
Monday we went to Magic Mountain...it was so hot! Here I am expressing my displeasure of having to wait 2 hours in the heat for X2. It was an awesome ride...I could have done without the flames shooting out near the end though!
After the Batman Stunt Show. I've seen it so many times back in the day, but now it's updated to follow the latest movie, 'Batman Begins'. It was really good.
Goliath, my favorite ride! Just after Swashbuckler of course! :)

The rest of the time we swam in the pool, watched movies, ate a lot of Golden Spoon, and just had a really great time. We ate a lot, but I think we may have burned it all off by laughing so much...at least, I hope so! :) Unfortunately Scott is on a plane right now heading back North. We'll miss you! I love all you Taylors - Russ, Debbie & Scott!!!!

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4 validations:

  1. Sjauna July 3, 2008 at 11:06 AM

    Awww... reliving the glory days...

  2. Julie M. July 3, 2008 at 11:33 AM

    That sounds like it was great fun!

    Only you would convince the whole batman stunt show cast to pose for a group photo with your friends. I love it!

  3. Hizzeather July 3, 2008 at 11:36 AM

    Ha Ha! I wish I had that power! They were waiting outside of the exit to pose for pictures. :) The Scarecrow guy was creepy. He kept growling in my ear!

  4. Rachel Holloway July 3, 2008 at 12:28 PM

    Hey! Thanks for your comment--I am so glad you liked those inside-out bacon cheeseburgers! I love them--yum....

    Your comment inspired me...I have been out of the cooking look this summer...let lots of things get in the way and found excuses to eat out. But I have tons of yummy recipes waiting to post. So, thanks for kicking my rear into gear! :)