Seriously, such a great blog!

You must click here. Do it now.

Thank you Debbie for the link! HILARIOUS! case you think it's real, it's just some guys making fun of mormon girls and their blogs. I will now check it religiously to make sure that I am not doing anything that they make fun of on the blog! :)

About this entry

6 validations:

  1. Jules AF July 6, 2008 at 9:50 AM

    Do you think it's guys? My friend and I have been arguing about it, and I think it's a girl, personally. What's your reasoning behind that?
    Oh, and this is really random, but I actually just went to Ukraine. It was beautiful. (and a little strange haha)I can see why you would love it. And, coincidentally, the friend I'm arguing went to the Donetsk Mission. Small world.

  2. Hizzeather July 6, 2008 at 10:26 AM

    My friend that told me about it said it was run by guys, so I guess that has tainted any original thought behind my hypothesis. :) It could be girls...girls are really mean to each other. I guess it makes me feel better to think that it is guys because if it's a girl it just makes her seem sad and bitter. And hilarious. :)

    I served in the Donetsk Mission, like 5 years ago. My fiance is serving in Kiev right now (he's 25, and it's a total coincidence that he went to MY country! :). So yeah, I have a soft spot for Ukraine! It is beautiful. What made you go and visit?

  3. Benjamin July 6, 2008 at 11:42 AM

    Heather, that blog is hilarious. It is AMAZING. Whoever it is -- guys or girls -- knows EXACTLY what they are talking about. Thank you so much for finding it!

    BTW, I think it's gotta be a girl or girls because it's a little *too* perfect.

  4. Holly Mo July 6, 2008 at 3:14 PM

    Hahahaha! That is classic! I love how they even had the twilight stuff on the right with the countdown to Breaking Dawn. amazing.

  5. Jules AF July 7, 2008 at 2:40 PM

    I wouldn't say she's necessarily bitter. (if it's a she.) She's just recognizing how unbelievably ridiculous some newlyweds are! I feel like that a lot, and I'm not bitter! (some people might argue with that, but I'm not haha)
    My friend got back 3 years ago, so he served about 5 years ago too.
    I went to Ukraine because I met a girl doing her internship in Provo. I got a free flight back there from skymiles, so I was just like, why not? I loved it. You know, except for the whole I don't speak Russian thing. :)

  6. Christa Jeanne July 10, 2008 at 2:53 PM

    Best. Blog. Ever.