Jenna from the Block

For the Fourth of July Christa and I went and saw 'Hancock' (Which I LOVED btw...I hate the critics! They have no idea what they are talking about!). Afterwards, we stopped by Jenna's house for a BBQ with her family. She told us that her block had an annual water balloon fight, but we figured that we would miss it because of the movie, so we didn't plan on participating. Well, when we got there, it had just started, and believe me, this was an amazing water balloon fight! There were like 50 people and THOUSANDS of balloons!

Complete madness...what a cool block to live on!!!

Christa and I stayed safely dry in Jenn's lawn...they threw a few balloons at us, but we were pretty safe.

Jenna's bro hit their neighbor with a balloon so hard in the face when he had his sunglasses on that he had a black eye!!! He was a good sport about it though.

What a way to spend the fourth of July!!! :)

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5 validations:

  1. Aubrey Messick July 7, 2008 at 7:23 PM

    Yeah! for the 4th of July and water balloons!!!

  2. Jessi July 7, 2008 at 9:55 PM

    "AHH! Get away! I just straightened my hair and it took two hours! NOOO!"
    -Me c. 1993

  3. Jessi July 7, 2008 at 9:55 PM

    "What a dork."
    -You c. 1993

  4. Hizzeather July 7, 2008 at 10:26 PM

    lol...remember how we used to hate each other? And now we are BFF...crazy kids. :)

  5. Unknown July 8, 2008 at 1:39 AM

    This is why I want to move back to Merica!! I miss big block parties!! and the 4th! Seriously I have to get back like yesterday!! x Love the pics!