Happy Fourth of July!

I was fortunate enough to be invited to 2 BBQ's on the fourth...Jenna's & Steve's. Steve's family owns a beautiful home in Dana Point with amazing views. Christa just got a new camera that takes great pictures, so she graciously took pictures for us at Steve's. Her camera rocks, except that she hasn't quite figured out how to get the date imprint off (or the right date for that matter!). Besides that, her pictures are so awesome!
View from "Villa de Hazy" as Aubrey likes to call it.
Tessa, Tristen & Katie
It was warm, so I was happy in the pool, although not as camera ready as these girls! :)
Isn't this pic great? Christa says it looks like an ad for something and I agree...I'll buy whatever makes these girls look so happy & carefree! :)
View of Salt Creek Beach
Seth, Adam, Estrella, Mark & Brock
I love this picture!
I had to bust out my 10th grade VB skills...I was happy I could still serve it over the net!
Hijinks during the game
No fair...Adam is way taller than us!
This picture is so awesome! Allie looks like a professional athlete!

Sunset pics...Christa, Heather, Tristen, Katie, Aubrey & Allie
I'm trying to reach out and combine the cliques, but it didn't work. ;) Oh well...
So cute!

I love Mark
Yep, I'm back in the pool.
Watching Fireworks!
Still trying to figure out the Firework settings. :)

It was a wonderful day and I'm thankful for friends like Jenna and Steve who open up their homes to "orphans" like Christa & I...it's hard to be far from family during the holidays! Thanks for the memories!

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4 validations:

  1. Julie M. July 9, 2008 at 2:19 PM

    Christa has a dang fine camera! It sounds like you and Christa had a fun 4th, so fun in fact that it took two picture packed posts to tell us all about it. Cool!

  2. Christa Jeanne July 9, 2008 at 2:58 PM

    Orphans? My dad lives 20 minutes away! =) But yes, it was quite the wonderful weekend.

    Why do I even bother blogging when I keep you around, dearie? ;)

  3. Hizzeather July 9, 2008 at 3:01 PM

    Your blog can just have a link to my blog! ha ha ha

  4. Aubrey Messick July 18, 2008 at 9:51 AM

    Oh man! Didn't we just have sooo much fun. I love the 4th of July, I love my friends, and I love the Villa de Hazy!