Sucks to be me...

I left Palmdale Sunday night to head back home and get ready for the work week. My goal was to leave as early as possible to make the long drive home, but that didn't work out. Kids are so unpredictable and hard to schedule by. I left at 8:45 pm, exhausted and so ready to sleep in my own bed. It's a 2 hour drive, and I just wanted the ride to be over with. After only 10 minutes on the road traffic just stopped. Literally, we all just sat there, eventually all turning our cars off and walking around and stuff. About 18 emergency vehicles passed us, so I knew there was a big accident up ahead. I was about 1/2 mile from the crash, too close to get off the freeway and take surface streets. A couple of helicopters came, and we were stopped for so long that I was able to walk all the way up to the emergency vehicles and get the "scoop" from the bystanders. Unfortunately everything was shut down because of a fatality. A lady was also arrested at the scene, so we suspect it was drunk driving. Sad.
Views from the sunroof of my car - parked cars as far as I could see, both ways

The edge of the camera isn't so great at night

It was kind of cool walking around chatting with complete strangers. You don't really get to do that on the freeway too often. After about an hour and 15 minutes we were finally able to drive past the crash...the one car they hadn't towed yet was an absolute wreck. Although I was bummed that I had to waste the time stuck on the freeway, I'm thankful that the timing was right so that I wasn't in the accident. It just makes you think how the choices you make in life that you think are minor can be huge. Please drive carefully, and NEVER drink and drive.

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