Workin' at the Car Wash, Yeah!!

Elizabeth has been encouraging us to give back to our Marines, and she (along with her committee) has arranged a series of car washes & BBQ's FREE for the Marines at Camp Pendleton! Today I was lucky enough to go & help. We had a great time!

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3 validations:

  1. Aubrey Messick July 20, 2008 at 5:36 PM

    Good times! Wish I could've come. Looks like you all had a blast.

  2. Russ and Debbie July 20, 2008 at 8:57 PM

    looks fun! :) What comment did you remove? Was it racy? :)

  3. Hizzeather July 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM

    Yes, that is the same Tessa...that's so funny that you recognized her! So, you don't remember me from the show? The bigger, Mormon girl who would just stand in the background and shake her head at all the shenanigans? No?

    ha ha...She is in my ward and dating one of my friends. She is an amazing person...I love her a lot.

    ps...I had no idea when I met her that she was on that show. I only found out because other people have told me & I've seen peeps come up to her and stuff. She never talks about it. I've never seen LB, but I admit I have seen "The Hills" every episode! TEAM HEIDI! :)