A three hour tour...

My friends the Perrsons have a sweet fishing boat that Eric takes out every day that he can. Jeana was going out with him last Saturday and invited me along for the ride. It was a beautiful day, and I felt very lucky that I have friends nice enough to bring me on their nice fishing trip. We zoomed out of Dana Point Harbor for about 3 miles, and it was so awesome with the beautiful view and the wind blowing my hair. We hit some major waves and it was so fun! Then we stopped to fish. Since we weren't moving anymore, just bobbing up and down on the water, the euphoria ebbed away and in it's place came sea-sickness. I never dreamed that I would get sea-sick! I have been on lots of boats, but I realizer now that being on a boat at Lake Powell is so much different. Thanks to their advice I felt better when staring at the horizon and, sorry to get gross, but I felt tons better after throwing up a couple of times. When they caught a shark the distraction made me feel tons better. But during those boring, lulling times, I got so nauseous. What a horrible feeling. I really hope that's not what pregnancy feels like. I'm going to start looking into adoption... :)

Here's a couple of videos that I took, of Jeana and I hanging out on the front of the boat, and when Eric caught the shark, a Mako. It jumped a few times before I could get my camera out. So cool!

Here's Jeana, calm and cool, enjoying the day
Here I am, sick as a dog, trying to put on a brave face. Eric did offer to take me back to dry land, sweet guy, but there was no way that I was going to waste everyone's time and the gas. I did have a great time despite the sickness though!

When we were about to leave one of the Sheakespear boys saw a whale! So Eric started the boat and led the chase, and we ended up catching up with 3 whales and following them for about 10 minutes. I will never be that close to whales again I bet! It was amazing! Unfortunately I couldn't capture how cool it really was on video very well.

My best picture of one of the whales
Soaring back to the harbor, checking out the sights and holding on for dear life - Josh, Eric, Jeana, and Adam
I'm feeling much better now that we are moving fast! :)
View of Dana Point from the water - my old Resort, on the right with the red roofs.
View of San Clemente, my old home
The birds had no fear...they got so close!
I'm not sure what this is, but it looked cool! :)

I really had such a great time, especially seeing the whales. And Jeana is just the coolest...we had a nice, long chat about anything and everything. She is so great to talk to. I feel so lucky to live in siuch a nice area with friends that have nice things who will share them with me! Thanks Perssons!

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4 validations:

  1. Kristina P. August 14, 2008 at 12:36 PM

    I grew up in Riverside, and for a school field trip, in elementary school, we went whale watching at Dana Point. Oh, how I miss the beach.

  2. Hizzeather August 14, 2008 at 1:07 PM

    Oh good, you're a Californian! I knew that I couldn't be such good friends with some random Utahn. I thought it was very strange that you are so cool ! :) ha ha

  3. The Persson's August 14, 2008 at 6:49 PM

    Heather -

    We are so happy you could come out with us! You are the best ever! So sorry you got sick...I still feel bad about that.

    Love you!

    jeana & eric

  4. Karly August 16, 2008 at 9:26 PM

    Love that you pointed out the resort. And I'm with you on the sea sickness. I deftinitely can't handle the bumpy water!
    But oh so cool that you were so close to whales!! I love that you caught it on video. Wow that's awesome!!