My Locket

One of the very nice things about watching conference at home is the ability to multi-task. Today I worked on a project that I've been meaning to do for a long time...getting pictures re-sized to fit in my locket.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to re-size them and print using Picasa, Paint & my new printer, but at least now I know how to use these programs a lot better! I am so excited that it turned out so beautifully.
I had pictures in there before, but they weren't the right size and it didn't look nice. When people would ask me to open my locket (which happened all the time), I swear they would always be disappointed that the pictures were too large. Our faces took up the whole frame and it was kind of weird looking. Now we are centered in the frame, and I think it looks very nice!
Lockets are so romantic to me. Cody gave me another locket for our first anniversary that was engraved with our names. I have it stored away in a safe place because my nephew broke it by opening it too many times. He would always come running to me after I hadn't seen him in awhile and go straight for my necklace. He loved to see the picture of Cody & I was so sweet. He loves my new locket too, but I only let him open it once now, and then I open it for him how ever many times he wants to look again. I can't wait until our children can look at this and marvel at the fact that their parents were once young and in love. :)

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3 validations:

  1. Kristina P. October 4, 2008 at 4:57 PM

    Love the new blog look and the locket! I haven't purchased a locket for myself in ages.

  2. Hizzeather October 4, 2008 at 5:01 PM

    Your approval means the world to me...and no, that is not sarcastic (for once)!


  3. Tara October 4, 2008 at 10:26 PM

    you are so amazingly talented and creative!!! You have so many really cute ideas! I wish you could teach me!

    Hey I need your email address!!

    P.S. Do you want me to start a healthy blog? Monday starts hard core healthy eating and exercising! Whooo hooo!! Let me know I am so happy to do it!