Friendship Quilts - Part Deux

Yeah, so I kinda promised that I would keep updating about the quilts - MY BAD! The problem is, I have only one square done! It's pretty easy actually, and I plan on finishing all my squares tonight when we get together. I just don't have a sewing machine to be able to work on it without the group. Above is my one square; all 18 are going to look like that, and then I will exchange them with 17 other people who have made 18 of their own personal ones, and then the madness will begin...we have to piece them altogether and make the quilt! I'm excited!

Don't you wish you were one of my friends so you could get my super-cool heart? ha ha :)

Speaking of is my friend Karly -

We met up for frozen yogurt last night and I ended up getting some sushi since I was so close to Riptide and couldn't resisit. I think I converted Karly to the gloriousness that is the crab stuffed jalapeno and the galaxy roll. She may not look like it in the pic, but I know she loved it! :) It was her first time eating raw fish! It was only salmon, and dee-licious! She definitely loved the jalapenos could you not??? Love ya Karly!

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7 validations:

  1. Kristina P. July 22, 2008 at 6:46 PM

    So, I love fish, but hate sushi. I keep trying it, thinking I might like it, and I don't. I think I need a real sushi expert to help me out. Anything with seaweed is disgusting.

    And I love the material you have for the quilt. I'm pretty suure it would take me 23 years to make one.

  2. Geoff July 23, 2008 at 12:16 PM

    Where is Riptide's???


  3. Hizzeather July 23, 2008 at 1:34 PM

    Riptide is at the Kaleidescope in Mission's the best sushi place I've ever been too. Great music, tvs, great ambiance, great food, fun would love it! It's not authentic Japanese, but I love my sushi Americanized! :)

  4. Kristina P. July 23, 2008 at 3:38 PM

    Heather, I saw that you added me to Facebook! You will literally be my 13th friend. I'm not a big Facebooker. I will accept the request when I get home later tonight. I work for the government, and Facebook is banned!

  5. Hizzeather July 23, 2008 at 3:40 PM

    That's why you add Facebook Mobile, duh! :) Gmail & all streaming media is blocked at my work, but not Facebook or MySpace...weird.

  6. Wade July 23, 2008 at 4:49 PM

    Heather, If you need a sewing machine you can have mine. I really don't know too much about sewing. Mindy has one so we don't need 2.

  7. Malinovka July 25, 2008 at 7:31 PM

    Your quilt squares are awesome! I'm going to have to remember that pattern--I just joined a quilting club and it's been a lot of fun. I'm having a hard time wording my comment after reading the Seriously, So Blessed blog again!!!! Ha! :)